Clinical Hypnotherapy
You can use this method in all areas of your life;
health, business, sports, personal, emotional, educational and many other fields.

MindDinamics Clinical Hypnotherapy is a powerfully scientific mind enhancing tool.
Marietta Hindy is a Clinical Hypnotherapist and life coach and the founder of this dynamic technique, with the use of Neurogenesis, NLP (Neuro-linguistic programming), Hypnosis, Neuroplasticity and psychology. She helps you eliminate undesirable programs in the sub-conscious. Replacing them with desirable ones through hypnotherapy, this type of mind control is the greatest, fastest, easiest way for everybody to change wrong mind sets and achieve the highest objectives and goals in their life.
You can use this method in all areas such as health, business, sports, personal, emotional, educational and many other fields.
You should not wait any longer – Help is here for you right now!

Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that can be used to help overcome any problems with their origins in the mind.
Anything from – stopping smoking, overcoming anxiety, depression, stress related issues, weight loss, phobia’s, pain management, focusing, addictions, absolute wellness, analogical mind, alcohol usage, artist block, affirmative methods, Anger management, alienation, ability to change, absent mindedness, absolute change, abundance, abusive behavior, accomplishment, academic performance, achieving your goals, adapt to the environment, adversities, affirmations, aimlessness, airplane phobia, alignment of left-right brain, amendment of behavior, ambition enhancement, application of focus, appearance betterment, assertiveness. and visualization of your dreams and goals.
Over and above which, Marietta also offers couples counseling.
Could it help you?
Forget any preconceptions you may have about hypnosis it’s less about being manipulated under someone’s control and more about taking charge of your own inner thoughts and behavior.
Forget cheeky stage hypnotists and cartoon scientists dangling pocket watches. There is another side to hypnosis-and it’s helping many of us overcome phobias, stress, weight loss, drinking problems, to stop smoking, learning relaxation techniques, visualizing and goal setting and other health problems. Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that can be used to help overcome any problems with their origins in the mind.
Forget any preconceptions you may have about hypnosis, it’s less about being manipulated under someone’s control and more about taking charge of your own inner thoughts and behavior.
The number of hypnotherapists in South Africa is increasing and its becoming a recognized treatment for issues such as stress, managing pain, weight loss, to stop smoking, alcoholic tendencies and phobia or fear related tendencies as well as anxiety issues and much more. So the day when you are prescribed a session of hypnotherapy instead of sleeping pills for insomnia may not be too far away.
Marietta Hindy, a Johannesburg based clinical hypnotherapist, has noticed a huge increase in the number of patients she sees everyday.
People come in to be treated for all sorts of things including addiction, anxiety, depression, pain relief, weight loss, fears and phobia’s, relaxation and even just the visualization of goals,’ she says. ‘It’s important to note that hypnotherapy will help you depending on your beliefs and fears’.
I help my patients to see their issues from a different stance or angle. It’s important to note that hypnosis helps the patient access the subconscious directly, by bypassing the critical faculty of the conscious mind.
For example, if you close your eyes and imagine a banana, you will see and smell a banana in your mind. Hypnotherapy works in a similar way. So, if you want to use hypnotherapy to help with pain relief, I encourage you to give the feeling of pain a specific shape and colour. Eventually, your mind will begin to associate the feeling of pain with the image you created and you can suppress the feeling by visually suppressing the image in your brain.
A hypnotherapist assists the patient in reprogramming his/her brain in order to overcome addiction or other issues.’ It sounds complicated!
What my clients have to say...
It has been a couple of weeks of not seeing you and yet I still feel ‘in control’. I would really like to thank you most sincerely for being there for me at a time when I needed someone like you the most. Before my first encounter with you, I was lost, depressed, angry, resentfuL ..… Read more “Nobe”
Wanted to say thanks you for coming into my life. Its been an absolute please and so easy working with you to help me address issues of the past to ensure that I can make the future better. Thank you for helping me let go, especially of the baggage that was weighing me down.
Caroline Emmett
Hypnotherapist, Marietta Hindy, to not only get me through the trauma of the news, but also to help in the postoperative healing.